Geachte leden en bezoekers van de Rijswijkse Golfclub,
Onlangs ontvingen wij het verheugende bericht dat wij wederom (voor de derde keer) GEO gecertificeerd zijn. Dit laat zien dat wij onze gehele golfbaan en eigenlijk het totale complex duurzaam beheren. Hieronder de mail die wij ontvingen van GEO / Sustainable Golf.
Graag willen wij ook Elly Davis bedanken voor al haar inspanningen zodat wij dit certificaat weer konden behalen.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Bob Knaap, manager
Dear Bob and Elly
We’re delighted to confirm that Rijswijkse Golf Club has successfully achieved GEO Certified®. Many congratulations to you both and the team for your outstanding work in fostering nature, conserving resources and supporting the community.
The club’s Certification Report and directory page will soon be updated at the GEO Foundation website:
You will shortly receive a separate email with your official Certificate and PDF of your Certification Report, which we will upload to the club’s OnCourse account.
You will also receive a link to your GEO Certified® assets – a suite of communications materials which includes logos, posters, social media graphics, presentation slides and press release template.
Thank you again for your leadership, strengthening golf’s image and playing your part for a more sustainable future.
Best regards
The GEO Foundation / Certification teams and Board of Directors
Richard Allison
Manager – GEO Certified (Facilities)